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OHA Biennial Conference 2022
Oral History in Troubling Times: Opportunities & Challenges
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View the program for the 2022 OHA Biennial Conference including workshops, conference sessions and post-conference tours. The program outline is below or to access more detail – click on the button under the Quick Links box to download the full program.
- Keynote: Mark Cave, ‘Why Did This Happen? Making Meaningful Answers in the Aftermath of Crisis’.
- Concluding plenary: Well-known palawa (Aboriginal) people of Tasmania Julie Gough, Theresa Sainty and Zoe Rimmer explore the significance of memory and history for Aboriginal people.
- Workshops: Scheduled for Thursday 13 October.
- Post conference tours: On Sunday 16 October Aunty Patsy Cameron will give a post-conference tour of Launceston’s stunning Cataract Gorge; this will be followed by a visit to the historic Beaconsfield Mine & Heritage Centre.
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8:45-10:40 – Jill Cassidy, Introducing Oral History
9:00-12:00 – Alistair Thomson, Interpreting Memories
9:00-5:00 – Hamish Sewell, Producing mobile-based audio walks from oral histories
10:50-12:45 – Linda Hunt, Interviewing and the art of asking questions
1:30-5:30 – Greg Appel, Podcasting oral history
Find out more about the workshop presenters.
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Conference Day 1
9:00-10:30 – WELCOME TO COUNTRY – Official conference opening. OPENING PLENARY – Mark Cave, ‘Why did this happen? Making meaningful answers in the aftermath of crisis’.
11:00-12:30 – PARALLEL SESSIONS – Session 1: Working lives. Session 2: Exploring issues and approaches to indigenous oral histories. Session 3: Oral histories in exhibition and film.
1:30-3:00 – PARALLEL SESSIONS – Session 1: Queer histories and the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Session 2: Migrants and refugees. Session 3: Responding to COVID.
3:30-5:00 – PARALLEL SESSIONS – Session 1: Contested memories and histories. Session 2: Climate change and oral history. Session 3: New approaches to oral history.
5:00 – OHA AWARDS – Hazel de Berg Award, Media Award, Book Award, OHA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING.
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Conference Day 2
9:00-10:15 – PLENARY SESSION: Kim Mahood, Mapping place, mapping story
11:00-12:00 – PARALLEL SESSIONS – Session 1: Queer oral histories. Session 2: Creative writing. Session 3: Protest and activism.
12:00-12:30 – LAUNCH of the 2022 OHA journal, Studies in Oral History
1:30-3:00 – PARALLEL SESSIONS – Session 1: Indigenous oral histories. Session 2: Oral history and family history. Session 3: Place, community, memory.
3:30-5:00 – PARALLEL SESSIONS – Session 1: Women’s history, men’s history. Session 2: Ethical and legal challenges in oral history. Session 3: War stories and oral history.
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Conference Day 3
9:00-10:30 – PARALLEL SESSIONS – Session 1: Interpreting memories. Session 2: Recording interviews during the pandemic. Session 3: Place, community, memory.
11:00-12:30 – CLOSING PLENARY – palawa people of lutruwita Tasmania: challenges and opportunities.
Post-conference Tours
Find out more on the Post-conference tours page.
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- Home page
- Location & accommodation
- Post-conference tours
- Presenters
- Program
- Registration – Eventbrite
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