OHA (United States) Annual Meeting
Event Details
The annual meeting of the Oral History Association will be held from 19-22 October 2022 in Los Angeles, United States. We live in uncertain times. A global pandemic, the escalation of
Event Details
The annual meeting of the Oral History Association will be held from 19-22 October 2022 in Los Angeles, United States.
We live in uncertain times. A global pandemic, the escalation of racial violence, attacks on democratic institutions, and a worsening climate crisis put strain on individuals and communities alike, often challenging the ways we understand our present and envision a future.
While the turmoil around us feels out of the ordinary, it is not without precedent. A nation founded on liberty and democracy but simultaneously on settler colonialism and slavery lives in contradiction, the avoidable but very common result of which has been violence, calamity, and instability for generations. Indeed, the present moment rests on these historic imbalances, whether in the ascendancy of authoritarianism and racial nationalism; the movements for Black lives, immigrants’ rights, and climate justice; or the myriad ways chronic inequities have exacerbated the impact of the deadly pandemic. Our present is exceptional, but it also unites us with generations of humanity who have faced their own struggles to endure.
As a worldwide lockdown interrupted the normality of societal life, it served as a palpable reminder of human capabilities and needs. Obliged to shift our family and work lives, we found ways to adapt and maintain. In need of comfort and community, we engaged new modes of communication and connectivity to provide solace and care. Though far too many fell victim to the virus—whether in body or spirit—many more invented ways to nurture and lift up. These collective trials harnessed our creativity and resilience. Naturally, they also compelled us to search for meaning, to reexamine, and, ultimately, to remember.
Call for proposals – deadline 4 March 2022
The Program Committee welcomes an array of interpretations of the conference theme. In the spirit of transformation and adaptation, this year’s session formats are informed by last year’s program committee, who promoted new ways of disseminating the stories we collect and share.
Find out more: www.oralhistory.org/2022-call-for-proposals.
19 October 2022 - 22 October 2022 (All Day)(GMT-08:00)
Millennium Biltmore Hotel