Issue – No. 41, 2019
Words and Feelings: Reflecting on Oral History and Emotions
Carla Pascoe Leahy and Skye Krichauff
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Peer-reviewed articles
- Indexing Emotion: Joy and Shame in Oral History, Alistair Thomson
- ‘I’m Skeptical of Foreigners’: Making Space for Discomfort in an Oral History Interview, Jordana Silverstein
- Interrogating Memories of Salvation: ‘Stalin’s Poles’ in India and Africa, 1942–50, Paul Sendziuk and Sophie Howe
- ‘And What Happened Next?’: Emotions and Sexual Violence in Holocaust Interviews, Annabelle Baldwin
- ‘Listening Against the Grain’: Methodologies in Uncovering Emotions in Oral History Interviews, Portia Dilena
- ‘A Shudder of Terror’: HIV/AIDS Nursing, Oral History and the Politics of Emotion, Geraldine Fela
- Embodied Memories of Trauma: Oral History and Archetypes, Francesco Ricatti
- Remembering the 40-year history of Oral History Australia, Beth M Robertson & Alistair Thomson
- Voices in Love & Sorrow, Deborah Tout-Smith
- Social Histories of Holden in Australia, Paul Sendziuk
- Doug Boyd Workshop, Oral History, Digital Technologies & Innovation: From Interview to Archive, Judy Hughes
- Giving Voice to the Photographic Manufacturing Industry: Oral History in the Kodak Heritage Collection at Museums Victoria, Fiona Kinsey
- Hostel Stories: Toward a Richer Narrative of the Lived Experiences of Migrants, Rachel A. Ankeny & Karen Agutter
- Vale Ben Morris, Janis Wilton
- Necessary but not Sufficient: Interweaving Oral and Written Sources in Compiling Torres Strait Islander Genealogies, Anna Shnukal
Other sections