Oral History Australia (OHA) is pleased to announce we are now accepting nominations and applications for our three biennial awards: the Hazel de Berg Award for Excellence in Oral History, the OHA Book Award and the OHA Media Award.
Applications and nominations must be submitted by 1 August 2021 and the award recipients will be announced at the 2021 OHA Biennial Conference in Launceston, Tasmania in October.
Hazel de Berg Award
First presented in 2006, this award is named after Hazel de Berg, one of Australia’s pioneering and most prolific oral historians, who recorded just over 1300 interviews during her lifetime.
To nominate a person for this award you must use the online form at: https://oralhistoryaustralia.org.au/awards/hazel-de-berg-award-nominations/. Please note that self-nominations are not permitted.
Once submitted, the OHA Secretary will receive the form and forward to the judging panel.
Find out more about this award
- Access a detailed description of the award and the citations of past recipients
- Find out more about Hazel de Berg
OHA Book Award and OHA Media Award
OHA introduced its Book Award and Media Award for the first time in 2019 to encourage innovative and excellent applications of oral history.
To apply for this award applicants must be eligible and submit their application to each of the judges on the panel for their award. Eligibility, judging criteria, details of the application process and the judges is available at:
Find out more about these awards