
Welcome to our new website

Welcome to the new Oral History Australia (OHA) website. This website has been developed in conjunction with a new Oral History Western Australia (OHWA) website, with both sites featuring new, complementary branding and a number of shared features.

The aim has been to deliver a refreshed website experience that makes it easier for users to find what they’re looking for and for our volunteers behind-the-scenes to share their work and better support each other.

Please note: Content of the OHA website has been substantially revised and rearranged. Some bookmarks you have made for particular content such as ethics guides, will need to be updated.

New features

Some of the new features on this website include:

  • a menu in the top right of the website providing access to all OHA State/Territory associations from any page
  • an accessibility tool bar providing tools such as changing font size and adjusting contrast
Events listings featuring colour coding
  • navigation pages at the top level of each tab of the main contents menu providing a quick overview
  • quick links boxes throughout the site to make it easier to access content embedded deeper in the website (e.g. Quick links for journal authors)
  • category search to make it easier to find news items
  • colour coding of event listings – OHA in blue, OHWA in orange and grey for international events.

New content

Much of the content of the old website has been reviewed, revised and rewritten to ensure it is up to date and relevant.

Some new content includes:

  • access to previous issues of the OHA journal (now known as Studies in Oral History) dating back to 2011
  • a dedicated page for remote interviewing resources
  • an oral history projects page providing an opportunity to explore the diversity of oral history projects and their outputs
  • a new ‘Special interest groups’ section for providing access to related oral history groups such as the Australian Media Oral History Group and the Indigenous Oral history Network.
Access PDFs of previous issues of the journal


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