
Previous issues

We are currently working to make available the full back catalogue of our journal. Issues available electronically through this website are linked via the cover pages and titles below.

From 2019 onwards the link will take you to a page with links to the full journal and separate articles/sections. Previous years will link you directly to the full PDF.

Download indexes to the journal 1979-2019 (PDF)
View a list of current & previous journal editors


No. 31 – 2009 – Islands of Memory

No. 30 – 2008 – Old Stories, New Ways (2)

No. 29 – 2007 – Old Stories, New Ways

No. 28 – 2006 – Oral History and Its Challenge(r)s

No. 27 – 2005 – Talking Families Talking Communities

No. 26 – 2004 – More from all Quarters

No. 25 – 2003 – From all Quarters

No. 24 – 2002 – Voices of a 20th Century Nation (2)

No. 23 – 2001 – Voices of a 20th Century Nation

No. 22 – 2000 – A Century of Tales


No. 21 – 1999 – Tales of the Century

No. 20 – 1998 – Crossing Borders (2)

No. 19 – 1997 – Crossing Borders

No. 18 – 1996 – Reworking the Words

No. 17 – 1995 – Words at Work

No. 16 – 1994 – Publicity and Privacy: Balancing the Interests of Oral History

No. 15 – 1993 – Public Ear to Private Eye: Projects in Oral History

No. 14 – 1992 – Learning and Teaching

No. 13 – 1991 – Remember with Advantages: Oral History and Recollection of Conflict

No. 12 – 1990 – Oral History and Social Welfare


No. 11 – 1989 – Let All People Speak

No. 10 – 1988 – Oral History and Labour History

No. 9 – 1987 – Oral History in the 1980s – Boom or Bust?

No. 8 – 1986 – Oral History, Children and Schools

No. 7 – 1985 – Oral History ‘85

No. 6 – 1984 – Migrant Oral Histories

No. 5 – 1983 – Oral Sources: Use and Abuse

No. 4 – 1982 – Local History, Family History and Oral History

No. 3 – 1981 – OHAA Journal 1981

No. 2 – 1980 – OHAA Journal 1980

No. 1 – 1979 – OHAA Journal 1979

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