
Journal – Call for Papers

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Journal – Call for Papers

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Key information

Issue: No. 43. 2021

Theme/title: Oral history, place and the environment

Editors: Carla Pascoe Leahy and Skye Krichauff


  • Peer-reviewed articles – deadline 30 November 2020, limit 5000–8000 words.
  • Reports on specific projects, conferences or events – deadline 30 April 2021, limit 2000 words.
  • Reviews of books and other publications – deadline 30 April 2021, limit 800 words.

Note that word limits do not include endnotes.

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Upcoming issue

Please note that this Call for Papers applies only to peer-reviewed articles.

Oral history, place and the environment

Humans are profoundly emplaced beings. We become attached to places – be they homes, cities or natural environments—so that when we are separated from them, we become homesick. Geographer Yi-Fu Tuan referred to this love of place or sense of place as ‘topophilia’, and it can also be connected to cultural belonging or family identity. Hence our place memories can be deeply felt and intensely personal. Moreover, place memories can retain a special resonance in the mind over time, associated as they are with sensory experiences, emotional associations and social inflections. Place matters, as oral historians have shown across a range of settings.

Place can be specific and localised, but it can also be extrapolated to the physical environments we inhabit more broadly. Increasingly, the fields of oral history and environmental history are finding productive intersections. Oral history offers attention to the ways in which humans remember and narrate their relationships to environments. Environmental history insists upon close attention to the more-than-human world, and the relationships between nature and culture, people and place. As environmental catastrophes with anthropogenic causes become  more common in the twenty-first century, understanding human interrelationships with specific places and the environment is arguably more critical—and more urgent—than ever before.

This special issue of Studies in Oral History (formerly Oral History Australia Journal) invites reflections upon the ways in which oral history can illuminate and expand our understandings of place and environment. We invite broad and varied interpretations of this theme, which may include (but are not limited to):

  • Childhood memories of place
  • Connections to home, town, region or nation
  • Indigenous connections to country
  • Urban place memories
  • Regional and rural place memories
  • Place attachment and migration
  • Family history and meanings of ‘home’
  • Intergenerational knowledge of and attachment to place
  • ‘Natural’ disasters
  • Environmental activism
  • Histories of environmental degradation
  • Environmental regulation
  • Environmental protection and rejuvenation.

Word limits and deadlines

To be considered for peer review, articles should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words (excluding references) and are due 30 November 2020. Publication of the special issue is anticipated in late 2021.


Any queries about this special issue can be directed to Joint Editors Skye Krichauff and Carla Pascoe Leahy


Contributions can be emailed to the Editorial Board Chair Alexandra Dellios:

Posted 27 July 2020.

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